Glenn Doman Method

I started studying the Glenn Doman Method because I realized the lack of interest of children for reading, not only for their studies but also for reading for pleasure. The Glenn Doman Method came at the moment I was investigating the motive of this lack of interest for one of the most important points of the
intellectual development of the human being. It was when I met the journalist Katia Xavier that was giving a workshop: How to teach your baby to read, in Brasilia. I thought the idea was fascinating and then, after reading the books by Glenn Doman and the reports of the works developed, I realized the
importance of stimulation since infancy to improve the intellectual, moral and physical development of the human being.

The Glenn Doman Method consists in the stimulation of the child since its birth. As learning before the age of seven is much easier, this method teaches that at the age of one the baby learns more than at two, at two it learns more than at three and so on, and if it is stimulated in the correct and playful way, it will have positive reflect in the professional, social and affective aspects in the future of the human being.

Children need space, so they can explore the world, create possibilities, recognize their competences and motor versatility. They love learning and they learn playing, and the earlier they are stimulated the better. Transform the learning of reading in pleasure, always in the form of playing.

Even nowadays there are people that resist the new technics of education and think that education in the last century is still efficient .However, it is necessary to remember that the world and children change and evolute, and education also must be recycled and updated to follow the development of the human being, creating a future with an education that generates respect, love, and knowledge.

“The greatest work of the man is building himself with discipline, knowledge, and love.”

See too

Orientations and Tips During Pregnancy



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I mean I did 3 sessions with the tethahealing larissa and I was surprised by the speed of my healing, which was instantaneous. It happens on the spot. We went into a state of meditation, we found the main problems that were preventing me from moving forward, the limiting beliefs and we cured them. I felt lighter, calm and calm in a way that I have never been in my life.

This comes from a person who has already done countless treatments, hypnosis, self-help, pisicologis, religion and spirituality … and now the icing on the cake (tethahealing). Consider it a powerful tool that changed my life… and how external changes are showing up, because my energy has changed. Lari and I managed to unlock everything and heal the soul. I am grateful. Thank you for everything Lari dear.

Luciana Espeschit

“Larissa is a natural born healer and Doula. She is a fantastic and partnered with me during the birth of my twins. During the labour, she did acupuncture and massage for me and did a Hypnosis session which calmed me down and helped me concentrate on my birth. I had a positive and gentle birth. Thank you Larissa for everything!”

Maisa Vahedi

“Larissa was very important to go deeper into knowing this world of motherhood and preparing myself for my special and wonderful birth. Her knowledge in preparation for childbirth was fundamental in my journey.

Thank you from the heart for all your attention, videos, words of encouragement and encouragement. The birth of my baby was better than I planned!! Count me in whatever you need !! Continue on this beautiful journey of life to prepare and encourage mothers for a natural birth and gentle birth.”

Alessandra Ferreira

“I had an amazing experience with Larissa when I chose her to be my doula. The support she gave me throughout my birthing experience was truly invaluable. She is a loving, patient and gentle person that makes you feel super comfortable and at ease.

We were up the whole night together as I was in labor, and she did everything to make me comfortable (physically and emotionally) and I never felt that anything was too much for her to handle. She has a confident and professional attitude which is great especially since we had constant interaction with medical staff as we were in the hospital the whole time.

Thank you dearest Larissa! I feel really blessed to have had you with me, I still remember there was a moment, I didn’t let you go to the bathroom because I was hooked on your back massage and couldn’t let you leave my side!”

Haniya Mahmood Siddiqui

“Each day I feel happier and more confident to have made the choice to follow up this treatment with you, Sweetie! I ve got no words to describe how I feel as well as to thank you!”

Tarcila Lila

“Larissa is a very attentive professional with really positive vibes! I decided to start the therapy for anxiety syndrome. After the second session, I started to feel so well and light! Like a lot of weight was taken off my shoulders. I highly recommend the ThetaHealing therapy with her. Thank you so much! ”

Jéssica Oinonen

“ I had the opportunity to be treated by Larissa, with the therapeutic technique of Thetahealing and Hypnosis. I say opportunity because it was what opened many doors of my unconscious mind and allowed me to access traumas, which were previously hidden by my mind, and best of all, I was able to unlock them. I felt that Larissa was very sensitive and in tune to dealing with many different issues I have been dealing with. I felt welcomed and safe, so I could open myself, talk about my blockages without fear of being judged. She treated me very kindly and pointed me where I needed.

After our appointments, I felt lighter and began to understand some repetitive patterns of behavior that I had and the root of them. So it was a blessing to have found this online therapy, that helped me completely, safely and humbly. ”

Larissa Sarmento

Thank you so much in guiding me to access my Theta brainwave! Larissa’s work is absolutely professional, caring and amazing! She worked with me through a Health issue I was having, instantly identify deeply held blocks that may have created the “dis-ease” (which I was not aware of) and replace them with positive beliefs and feelings! Transforming those beliefs through “somatic” practice in a positive way for the good! I look forward in continuing sessions with Larissa and witnessing amazing results I see in my life

Heffern Wanda

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